Brochures and catalogues are an essential part of the retail industry, whether your brochures or catalogues are delivered by mail or email. It is a representation of our products, our services and the definitive means of gaining revenue for our companies or businesses. So why are there still companies using substandard amateur photography in their brochures over professional product photographs?

The first impression

It is a touch cliché but it is oh so true, you never get a second chance at a first impression. Often your brochures and catalogues are the first impression a potential customer will get of your company and its products and services that are on offer. Everything in your brochure contributes to this. From the paper it is printed on, the layout that is utilised, the text that is written within it and most importantly the photography adorning its pages. A professional looking brochure or catalogue is quintessential to the ‘image’ of your company, it is essential to the ‘branding’ of the company and reflects in the manner it is derived. Your brochure must look professional, your catalogue must have professional Product Photographs and you must think of it as an advertisement for you company. Do you want a negative advertisement in the market place? The answer is no, so use professionals to achieve positive branding of your company.

A photo is worth a thousand words

Images within you catalogue or brochure are one of the most important ingredients to your success. Have you ever just flicked through a catalogue and browsed the pictures? Well, most consumers will actually do just this. Therefore it is absolutely mandatory that a professional photographer is used to maximize the effect the images have on the reader. If you have great images that are alluring, then the consumer will stop and read the catalogue, the reader will be more likely to act on the viewing and sales should increase tenfold. Utilising a professional photographer such as the team at Visionair in Sydney, is an investment in the future of your company and displays a professional and diligent approach to business. Images are branding and branding is security, branding is everything. If you maintain a strong brand name in the market place such as Coca-Cola has done for many years, you will crush your competition.

Mistakes lead to demise

The mistakes a lot of companies make when they first start out often lead to their demise in the end. One of those mistakes is cutting costs on areas that they deem not to be essential to the company’s start up. Often an area that is left by the wayside is photography. There is no more important time to use professional product photography in your business than when you are starting up. Remember what we have said, branding is everything, when you are starting up you are starting your brand. Therefore, your branding and portrayed image of the brand needs to be outstanding.

Do yourself a favor and stop playing around with amateur photography, professional photography is absolutely mandatory for brochures, catalogues , websites and anywhere you wish to represent yourself…….

We can help you achieve your desired outcome.

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