As a video content creator for over 30 years / avid marketer, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to reach and engage my audience. One tool that has proven particularly effective in this regard is the corporate video. Not only are corporate videos a great way to showcase your company’s products and services, but they can also be incorporated into a variety of marketing strategies to maximize their impact. In this article, I’ll be sharing 20 ways that you can implement your corporate video into various marketing strategies.

  1. Use your corporate video as a lead generation tool.

    One of the most effective ways to use your corporate video is as a lead generation tool. By offering valuable information or an attractive offer in your video, you can encourage viewers to provide their contact information in exchange for more information or a special deal. To make this strategy work, be sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video, encouraging viewers to visit your website or sign up for your email list.

  2. Share your corporate video on social media.

    Social media is a powerful platform for reaching and engaging with your target audience, and your corporate video is the perfect content to share on these channels. Whether you’re using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other social media platform, you can use your corporate video to showcase your company and its products or services, and to build trust and credibility with your audience. To get the most out of this strategy, be sure to optimize your video for each platform, using captivating headlines and engaging descriptions to entice viewers to watch.

  3. Embed your corporate video on your website.

    Your corporate website is an essential component of your online presence, and embedding your corporate video on this site can be a great way to engage and convert visitors. By including your video on your homepage, product pages, or other key areas of your website, you can provide valuable information about your company and its offerings, and help visitors get to know you better. To make this strategy work, be sure to optimize your video for website viewing, using high-quality footage and a clear, concise message that resonates with your target audience.

  4. Use your corporate video in email marketing campaigns.

    Email marketing is a powerful tool for building relationships with your customers and prospects, and incorporating your corporate video into your email campaigns can be a great way to engage and convert your audience. Whether you’re sending newsletters, promotional emails, or other types of messages, you can use your video to showcase your company, its products and services, or other relevant information. To make this strategy work, be sure to optimize your video for email viewing, using a thumbnail image and a compelling subject line to entice viewers to watch.

  5. Utilize your corporate video in paid advertising campaigns.

    Paid advertising is a great way to reach and engage with your target audience, and incorporating your corporate video into your paid campaigns can be a powerful way to drive traffic and conversions. Whether you’re using Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, or any other paid advertising platform, you can use your corporate video to showcase your company and its offerings, and to build trust and credibility with your audience. To make this strategy work, be sure to optimize your video for each platform, using compelling headlines and engaging descriptions to entice viewers to watch.

  6. Include your corporate video in your sales pitch.

    If you’re in the business of selling products or services, your corporate video can be a valuable tool to include in your sales pitch. By showcasing your company, its products and services, and its unique value proposition, you can help potential customers understand what sets you apart from your competitors and why they should choose you. To make this strategy work, be sure to have a clear and concise message in your video that highlights the benefits of your products or services, and to tailor your pitch to the specific needs and interests of your audience.

  7. Use your corporate video in trade show or event presentations.

    Trade shows and other events can be a great way to showcase your company and its offerings to a large and targeted audience, and incorporating your corporate video into your presentation can be a powerful way to engage and convert attendees. Whether you’re giving a presentation on stage or setting up a booth at an event, you can use your video to provide valuable information about your company and its products or services, and to build trust and credibility with your audience. To make this strategy work, be sure to optimize your video for event viewing, using high-quality footage and a clear, concise message that resonates with your target audience.

  8. Include your corporate video in your customer onboarding process.

    If you have a customer onboarding process in place, your corporate video can be a great tool to include in this process. By providing valuable information about your company and its products or services, you can help new customers get up to speed quickly and effectively, and build a stronger relationship with them from the start. To make this strategy work, be sure to tailor your video to the specific needs and interests of your new customers, and to provide clear and concise information that helps them understand what sets your company apart from your competitors.

  9. Utilize your corporate video in employee training and development.

    Your corporate video can also be a valuable tool for employee training and development. By providing information about your company, its products and services, and its culture, you can help new employees get up to speed quickly and effectively, and build a stronger connection to your company. To make this strategy work, be sure to tailor your employee training video to the specific needs and interests of your employees, and to provide clear and concise information that helps them understand what sets your company apart from your competitors.

  10. Share your corporate video with industry partners and influencers.

    Finally, don’t forget to share your corporate video with industry partners and influencers. By providing valuable information about your company and its products or services, you can build stronger relationships with these key players, and potentially open up new opportunities for collaboration and growth. To make this strategy work, be sure to tailor your video to the specific needs and interests of your industry partners and influencers, and to provide clear and concise information that helps them understand what sets your company apart from your competitors.

  11. Use your corporate video as a customer testimonial.

    Customer testimonials are a powerful way to showcase the benefits and value of your products or services, as they provide authentic and unbiased feedback from real customers. By featuring these testimonials in your corporate video, you can provide a more engaging and relatable way for your audience to understand the value of your offerings. To make this strategy work, be sure to select customers who are passionate about your products or services, and to highlight the specific benefits and results they have experienced.

  12. Create a series of corporate videos to cover different aspects of your company and its offerings.

    A single corporate video can be a powerful tool, but creating a series of videos can provide even more depth and detail about your company and its offerings. This can be a great way to showcase different products or services, to provide in-depth information about your company’s values and culture, or to cover other topics that are relevant to your audience. To make this strategy work, be sure to plan out the content and messaging of each video in advance, and to create a cohesive series that provides a complete picture of your company and its offerings.

  13. Use your corporate video as a recruiting tool.

    Recruiting top talent can be a challenge, but using your corporate video as a recruitment tool can help you attract the best candidates and demonstrate why your company is a great place to work. By showcasing your company culture and values, you can provide a more engaging and authentic way for potential employees to get to know your company and its mission. To make this strategy work, be sure to highlight the unique aspects of your company culture and the benefits of working for your company, and to showcase real employees and their experiences at your company.

  14. Include your corporate video in your press kit.

    A press kit is a collection of materials that provides information about your company to journalists and media outlets. By including your corporate video in your press kit, you can provide a more engaging and visual way for these parties to learn about your company and its offerings. To make this strategy work, be sure to create a video that highlights the unique aspects of your company and its products or services, and to provide clear and concise information that helps journalists and media outlets understand what sets your company apart from your competitors.

  15. Use your corporate video to educate your audience.

    Whether you’re in a B2B or B2C industry, providing valuable information to your audience can be a powerful way to build trust and credibility, and to demonstrate your expertise in your field. By creating educational content in the form of a corporate video, you can provide a more engaging and visual way for your audience to learn about your products or services, or about topics related to your industry. To make this strategy work, be sure to identify the specific needs and interests of your audience, and to create content that is informative and helpful.

  16. Utilize your corporate video in your content marketing strategy.

    Content marketing is a powerful way to reach and engage with your audience, and incorporating your corporate video into this strategy can be a great way to provide valuable information and drive traffic to your website. By embedding your video in blog posts, articles, and other types of content, you can provide a more engaging and visual way for your audience to learn about your products or services, or about topics related to your industry. To make this strategy work, be sure to optimize your video for each platform, using captivating headlines and engaging descriptions to entice viewers to watch.

  17. Use your corporate video to showcase your company culture and values.

    Your company culture and values are what set you apart from your competitors, and showcasing these elements in your corporate video can be a powerful way to attract top talent and build a stronger connection with your audience. By highlighting the unique aspects of your company culture, you can provide a more authentic and engaging way for potential employees and customers to get to know your company and its mission. To make this strategy work, be sure to showcase real employees and their experiences at your company, and to highlight the specific values and beliefs that drive your business.

  18. Use your corporate video to demonstrate your products or services.

    Showcasing your products or services in action can be a powerful way to demonstrate their value and capabilities to your audience. By creating a corporate video that features your products or services in use, you can provide a more engaging and visual way for your audience to understand how your offerings can meet their needs. To make this strategy work, be sure to highlight the specific benefits and features of your products or services, and to provide clear and concise information that helps your audience understand how your offerings can meet their needs.

  19. Utilize your corporate video in your customer service process.

    Providing excellent customer service is essential for building trust and loyalty with your customers, and incorporating your corporate video into this process can be a great way to improve the customer experience. By providing helpful information and resources in your video, you can help resolve issues more efficiently and provide a more engaging and visual way for customers to get the support they need. To make this strategy work, be sure to identify the specific needs and concerns of your customers, and to create content that is informative and helpful.

  20. Use your corporate video to tell a story.

    Storytelling is a powerful way to engage and connect with your audience, and using your corporate video to tell a compelling story can be a great way to showcase your company and its offerings. By highlighting the unique aspects of your company and its products or services, you can create a narrative that resonates with your audience and helps you stand out from your competitors. To make this strategy work, be sure to craft a compelling story that showcases the benefits and value of your offerings, and to use high-quality footage and a clear, concise message to engage your audience.

In conclusion, there are many ways that you can implement your corporate video into various marketing strategies, and each of these approaches has the potential to reach and engage your target audience in a meaningful way. Whether you’re using your video as a lead generation tool, sharing it on social media, embedding it on your website, or utilizing it in paid advertising campaigns, you can leverage the power of video to showcase your company and its offerings, and build trust and credibility with your audience.

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