Amazon is the largest online listing for products. Over one-third of products sold on Amazon are from third parties. It is for this reason you need to make sure your products stand out from the rest. People judge Amazon listings on their photos. Just uploading a couple of photos supplied by the manufacturer isn’t enough. If you genuinely want to increase your Amazon sales, you have to use powerful lifestyle images along with the main hero shot.

When listing a product, you are allowed to include seven photos. The first photo has stringent rules. Amazon says your main picture must consist of a white background and be void of any accessories. The other six photos can contain whatever you like.

Include lifestyle photos to tell a story.

Alongside your main image, it is worth investing in a professional photo shoot to obtain lifestyle photos of your product. These photos will help convey a message and explain to the buyer what the product is about and how they should use it. Considering people process pictures 60,000 times faster than reading text, including additional images will entice your buyer to buy.

Research your product and look for similar lifestyle images.

Is anyone selling a similar product on Amazon? What lifestyle photos are they using and could you take better images? Asking these questions and doing the research can lead to better concepts and result in a higher listing. It is essential to find the gap in the marketplace and aim to have a better title, description and lifestyle images than all other sellers.

Show your product in a different light.

Choosing an appropriate setting to photograph your lifestyle images can ultimately lead to sales. When planning a shoot think about using one or two models to showcase the product. Make sure you have a target audience in mind. Then, prepare a shoot that will focus its attention on your audience. Creating an environment outside of a photo studio is ideal. Think about how the product would be used and consider doing some research on similar products to ensure you differentiate your listing from others.

Retouch your lifestyle shots.

Once you receive your images back from the photographer, ensure they have edited them. Brightness, contrast and saturation, as well as removal of dust and scratches, should all be removed in each lifestyle photo.

Keep your product as the centre of attention.

When storyboarding your lifestyle photography shoot, consider making your product stand out. Make sure the photographer gets in as close as he/she can while keeping enough of the environment around the product to maintain context. Don’t be fooled into portraying your product somewhere within a scene, make it central and prominent.

Include lifestyle products in your Enhanced Brand Content.

Verified Amazon sellers will have access to their Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). This content will show up higher when potential buyers shop using mobile devices. With this field, you have the opportunity to include your brand’s story. Including the same lifestyle images of the product in this section is highly recommended as this will likely increase your Amazon sales by building trust with your buyer.


As a quick guide to effective lifestyle photos, things you should include in your images are:

  • Portray the product in use. Preferably by a model in a real-life situation.
  • Multiple angles of the product showing the detail.
  • Images are promoting the features and benefits.
  • The product should be the centre of attention.
  • Choose a bright outdoor location to photograph the product.

If you can understand the value of a lifestyle shoot, then there is no doubt you will become more successful on Amazon therefore increasing Amazon sales. High-quality lifestyle shots that tell a story are the differentiator in this game. So make sure you use a photographer who understands Amazon and lifestyle photography, as ultimately the decision could positively affect your bank balance.

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