One of the toughest tasks of any marketing team is to convince others of the value of video marketing. Getting management to approve your video marketing project is going to take some work. It can be challenging to pre-determine the value, but you must look for quantifiable actions and outcomes. But once you have, you can use current market examples and reliable data to paint a picture of opportunity with data to back up your claims. 

Don’t Be Left Behind Start Your Video Marketing Project Now

It is no longer practical for a business to sit on the sidelines. Why wait while the rest of your industry is maximising the use of video marketing. When it comes to your overall marketing strategy and brand identity, video marketing must be at the forefront. Consumers, above all else, now demand social media marketing via video. In product marketing, they want to see the product in a lifestyle setting so they can imagine themselves in that scenario. In a professional services setting, consumers want to meet the team and get a sense of connection via video. Regardless of your business type, video marketing is a proven means to increase engagement and leads.

Social Media Trends

If you want to get management to approve your video marketing project, there is a vast amount of data available to form a compelling argument. Here are some of the current trends for 2020:

  • 72% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service through a video. 
  • 78% watch videos online every week with 55% watching every day.
  • 81% of businesses use video for marketing purposes.
  • 59% of executives prefer watching a video message than reading text.
  • 54% of consumers are demanding video content.
  • Instagram has the most significant growth for purchases over any other social media platform. 
  • Tweets with video content have ten times more engagement than those without video.
  • LinkedIn users are 20% more likely to share a post with video content.
Understand what trends are out there before creating a video script or draft

Use Insights Before Creating Your Video Marketing Project

A vital first step is to know where and how your potential market segment has its eyes. What social media platforms are your desired demographic using and what sort of material are they interested in seeing. If your business is product development, how are similar products on the market using video marketing to connect with customers? Which social media platforms are best suited for your target market?

If your business is service-based, how is your desired target market using such platforms to connect with similar companies? With this kind of insight, it becomes far easier to get management to approve your video marketing project. You can demonstrate clearly how a competitor is benefiting from the use of video marketing. Comparing this to how you are missing out on this target market can help to remove a stopping point in your bid. 

Analyse the figures and insights to target your audience and find trends

Don’t Take Our Word For It

To get your management team to approve your video marketing project, you are going to need much more than just promises. By engaging the guidance of a professional video production team, you can map out a practical cost analysis of what your video is going to cost in terms of money, time and resources. Further to this, having actual examples of the videos that this team have produced for similar campaigns can help you sell your proposal. Being able to demonstrate the benefits of the video will be a huge benefit. You could also engage the lead from such a team to present to management and provide cost breakdown and value for money. 

Use a professional team to help get your video project approved

These are just a few means of breaking down video marketing so that you can get your management team to approve your video marketing project. Above all else, the most exceptional advice is to engage a professional video production team. Work alongside them with your team to build a campaign to demonstrate the power of video marketing. 

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