In their short history, drones have attracted a great deal of controversy and generated some heated debates. On one hand, members of the public have been voicing their concerns over matters of privacy and safety, and on the other, people are finding new and innovative ways to apply drone technology for great social benefit.

As specialists in aerial drone photography in Sydney and NSW, VisionAir are particularly passionate about how images from above can be highly advantageous to businesses, brands and organisations. We also like to follow the industry more broadly and discover how drones can help in other ways. Recently we’ve noticed an increasing number of cases where drones and aerial drone photos have played an important role in disaster affected areas.

Since the disastrous earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011, drones have been employed to survey the area around the Fukushima nuclear plant, the most hazardous zone of destruction. The leaked radiation was and continues to be a major risk for Japanese civilians, but scientists have been using drones to map radiation levels in order to better understand the situation and formulate strategies to combat the problem. Aerial drone photos have also been used to assess the damage to nuclear facilities without exposing pilots, surveyors and other workers to radiation.

Fortunately, Australia hasn’t suffered a disaster of this magnitude, but we are also no strangers to severe weather and the damage that results from it. VisionAir provide aerial photos in Sydney and NSW that allow property owners and businesses to carry out detailed inspections of assets and accurately assess damage.

There has also been a lot of discussion recently regarding the use of drones in a delivery capacity. This has more important ramifications than getting a piping hot pizza or your latest Amazon parcel from above. Disaster relief agencies have been using the technology to deliver samples for diagnosis and medicine for treatment.

One of the largest and most well known humanitarian organisations, the Red Cross, is considering adding drones to the frontline of disaster relief efforts. To date, first responders to disasters are often confronted with chaotic scenes and have few clues as to the extent of damage and continuing dangers. Aerial drone photography helps to provide a fast and efficient overview of the situation and allows Red Cross teams to plan the relief efforts and the delivery of aid.

Exactly how and when the Red Cross might employ the technology remains to be seen, but VisionAir is excited about this development. We believe that aerial drone photography has a range of great benefits to society and will always advocate their safe and effective application. If you think your business or organisation could also take advantage of a view from above, get in touch with us today to discuss your options.

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