A new drone photography portfolio released by New Zealand based Amos Chapple serves to illustrate the beautiful angles and vistas that can only be obtained from above. Chapple traveled the globe, visiting some of the world’s most iconic landmarks to record them from a vantage point that few have ever experienced. Like Chapple, Vision Air have also recognised the power of drone photography in Sydney, for both its aesthetic and practical value.

From Mumbai to Moscow, Chapple touched down in dozens of countries only to take to the skies immediately via his drone photography. The results are breathtaking and offer a glimpse into his, and our, world of aerial photography.

The portfolio includes bird eye views of the Taj Mahal, the Kremlin, the Sagrada Familia and many other familiar sites from unfamiliar angles. Even those lucky enough to have visited these places will notice the fresh perspective that aerial photography offers. Aspects that may not have previously stood out, such as the symmetry of a site or the beauty of the surrounding area become apparent in the more holistic view that drone photography offers.

Vision Air’s drone photography in Sydney offers these same perspectives over our own stunning city. We have a plethora of both natural features, such as the harbours, the coastline, and manmade features to explore from above and these features can be captured separately, together or juxtaposed depending on your purposes.

You may of course not need aerial photos in NSW for their aesthetic qualities alone. A view from above may serve a practical purpose, such as for infrastructure inspections or damage inspection. These were not, of course, the aims of Chapple, but the images in his portfolio inadvertently illustrate the potential of drone photography in Sydney, NSW or elsewhere for more practical purposes. Cityscapes similar, but more targeted than his shots, of Mumbai and Barcelona for example, could be appropriated for urban planning use and his aerial photos of individual buildings show the sorts of angles and perspective infrastructure assessors can benefit from.

This targeted form of drone photography in NSW is a specialty of Vision Air and is possible because of the quality of our technology – both the drones and the camera equipment we use – and the skill and experience of our pilots and our aerial photographers in NSW.

View Amos Chapple’s portfolio here and consider how Vision Air can get you or your business a similar perspective in Sydney or elsewhere in NSW.

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