When companies are looking to grow- in size and/or in a progressive way, there are many different marketing methods that can be implemented. You want to choose a way of marketing, though, that will capture people’s attention.

According to Social Media News in September 2017approximately ‘1 in 2 Australians used YouTube.’ This shows that video is a viable marketing method since people evidently enjoy using it. When done properly and professionally, using video effectively can grow your company.

The growth of your company starts internally- with the people working at your business. This article will discuss how you can grow your company by using video effectively to find new employees.

Display a Video on Your Website for Potential Employees

A professional video can be displayed directly on your site on a career web page, specifically targeting potential employees that may apply to work for you. Here are 4 ideas of what to include in a video to find new employees.

1. What Your Company Does

It is not always immediately obvious to a potential job candidate what a company actually does- or what role they would take on as an employee. You want people in general to know what your company does so you can bring in more business. However, it is equally important to make the purpose of your business clear to future applicants, otherwise they may be hesitant about applying.

You can share on the video some of the types of positions your company offers. On the same web page, perhaps directly above or below the video, you can provide specific details as to what positions are currently available for people to apply for. This allows you to have a video that you can use for a long time, and you can simply update the job description details on your career web page as needed (without needing to frequently update the video itself.)

2. Your Company’s Values

By explaining your company’s values in a video directed towards potential employees, you can draw in the right group of people. Individuals who naturally share the values you promote will be attracted to the idea of working for you.

It’s also important for people to have a positive view of your business before they start working for you. You don’t want your company to be ‘just another job.’ A professional video can get people excited about the prospect of working for you, and help you to hire employees who start off happy.

3. Unique Benefits Your Company Offers 

Once your company’s purpose is clearly understood, you can share some ways your company is unique compared to other local businesses. Try to think from the perspective of a potential employee, and note any differences that would make employment at your company a better choice than other businesses offering similar positions.

A survey by Aflac reported that 50% of small business employees “say that having a benefits package is either extremely or very important to their happiness at a job.” The amount of money someone will make, the hours they work, job stability, and the atmosphere they will be working in are other factors that people care about when it comes to their employment. You can use the video to highlight these or any other legitimate perks your company offers.

4. Success Stories from Current Employees

You can feature brief interviews of a few of your happy employees sharing their success stories about working with your company. Have them share their real experience in how working for your company allowed them to find job satisfaction, provide for their family, and/or if they were able to take their experience to a higher level with promotions, etc.

Link to Your Employment Video from Other Sources

If you advertise elsewhere when you are hiring for certain positions, you can provide a link to the video on your career web page so that anyone who may be interested in working for your company can learn more about it.

Using Video Effectively Can Help You Find the Right Employees

A well-produced video about your company can persuade curious, yet qualified workers to apply to work at your business, which in the long run can help your company grow. By using video effectively by highlighting the values of your company and providing details of the company culture, it can help you attract the type of applicants that will be an asset for your company long-term.

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